...and the warmth of friendship
February is the bleakest time of the year. Today the sun is shining but it wasn't like that yesterday. Yesterday tree branches stretched across a mud-grey
sky like witches talons. It was so desolate that I didn't notice the clumps of snowdrops with
their promise of better weather to come. I photographed them today but, even though the sun had lifted my mood, the wind made me shiver,
reminding me that we’ve more harsh weather to endure. This is a time for
gathering friends around us. So I got to thinking about what a friend really
means to me:
A friend is someone who you can chat with,
even when there’s nothing special to talk about; someone who knows exactly what
to say when you’re feeling down; someone who’s always there when you need a
hug. That goes for virtual hugs too.
So thank you to all my friends, including my blogging friends, for
being around through the bleak mid-winter. Here is that photograph which I took in the garden this lunchtime. Spring is on its way and Summer
will be just around the corner. Keep warm.