This Sunday will be April 1st, better known amongst pranksters as April Fools’ Day, but I’m not going to be playing any April Fool tricks, except maybe on myself! On Sunday I will be taking part in the A to Z blog challenge. I’ll be posting up a blog every day of April [with Saturdays off for a well deserved rest] and each one will refer to a different letter of the alphabet. Last year I blogged an A to Z of Leicester and you can read the whole thing here.
This year’s topic is going to be nostalgia with memories from
the 1950s and 1960s. This means that half of you will be able to join me in a ‘do
you remember when...’ fest and the other half will have a history lesson,
although it will be an enjoyable history lesson because each of my posts will
consist of the following:
There’ll be a smell to get you in the mood because
smells are well known for reminding you of the past.
I’ll be telling you about some of my memories because when you get to
my age there are so many clogging up the brain that you need to pass them on to
make room for more. [I know it doesn’t really work like that but it is good to share
There’ll be a list of TV and radio programmes,
remembering that in the 1950s people listened to the radio as most of us didn’t
have television. I know! No TV! It hardly bears thinking about!
Finally there’ll be a piece of music from one of the singers
in the names list and that’s it...
oh no...
It’s not quite it because then you’ll
“Oh gosh! I'd forgotten that!” and you’ll post a comment below to tell
me what you’d forgotten or, better still, to tell me some additional
memories that I’d forgotten.
So see you every day next week... and the week after... and the
week after... and... oh dear, what have I signed myself up for again!?