My first attack for many years of full-blown flu is finally, I hope, subsiding.
I have discovered that there are stages to the flu experienced in no particular order:
* vices clamping the ribs
* coughing, coughing and coughing
* knives stabbing the throat
* clammy sweating/high temperature
* depression
* blocked sinuses
* no taste buds
* all the above, all at once
So I haven't been around here much. I know you're wishing me better, thank you, thank you, but I've disabled the comments facility for a few weeks to try and avoid all those spam emails.
I'm going to take the rest of February off from the blog and I will return in March with Forsythia and daffodils in my hair and maybe even a Springlike spring in my step.
Take care and be sure to avoid the flu bug like the plague!