A few days ago a non-writer friend asked me why I have a blog. He was genuinely bemused. He couldn't understand why I would want to spend time putting words onto a computer screen. I gave him the stock responses.
- I'm a writer and need to keep working on my skills.
- I'm a writer and it is helpful to network with other writers.
- I'm a writer and must sell myself to prospective publishers [Which reminds me, I've just updated my 'About Me' page. The tab is above this post - just saying.]
That's why I'm typing my fingers to the knuckles getting the A to Z ready. [If you've not yet signed up then do pop along to the A to Z Sign Up Page. It's not too late to get involved and you'll meet some amazing bloggers and be rewarded with lots of friendship and support throughout the month.]
And it's why I've joined DL Hammons' Blog Blitz.

Sounds fun, doesn't it? If you want to join in then pop over to his blog at Cruising Altitude 2.0 and put your name on the linky list. I have done :-)
Why do you blog?
And if you don't blog, what do you enjoy about reading blogs?