I'm not well known for giving a straight answer. Mr A gets quite frustrated when my replies drift from the original topic. Maybe it's an age thing. But last week Rebecca Bradley, from Life in Clarity, tagged
me. My tag request is to answer her eleven questions and then I have
to pass the tag on. I've done my best to give straight answers but I'm afraid I couldn't stop myself from throwing in one or two assumptions so...
1) If you could only read one book for the rest of
your life, what would you choose?
Assuming that, like on Desert Island Discs, I’m allowed to have the Bible as well, then I’ll choose an Anthology of Poetry. Any fully comprehensive one would do to keep my mind busy. Right now I’m reading The Seashell Anthology but it’s on my Kindle and I can’t let it fall open in a random way.
2) What is your favourite day of the week and why?
Saturday. That’s the day I chill out.

3) What would you find difficult to give up?
No brainer! Chocolate!
4) If you could visit any place in the world where
would it be?
Assuming it doesn't have to be a first-time visit then Jerusalem. Last October's visit was too short.
5) If you could speak with anyone, living or dead,
who would it be and why?
My Mum. She died last April. Every time something happens I want to tell her about it and there are so many qurestions that I never asked her when she was alive.
Physical book. My Kindle isn’t as easy to hold and, like I said above, you can’t dip into a Kindle book.
7) Why do you blog?
Initially it was to raise my profile as a writer but now I blog because I love all of you... and I love the opportunity to share good news... and I love the chance to have a good moan... and because I love it!
8) Where do you write?
Anywhere, everywhere but mostly at the dining room table, even though I do have a lovely study specially designed by Mr A.
9) If you could recommend one blog to follow, what
would it be?
Assuming that you’re already following my blog, and assuming that you’re interested in children’s Picture Books then I recommend you follow the Picture Book Den.
10) Savoury or sweet?
Both, consumed in alphabetical order.
11) What is your most treasured possession?
Assuming that I’m allowed to possess people, then it has to be my family. I love them more than anything in the world.
...and now to pass
the tag on. I’d like to tag a newbie blogger, Alex Gutteridge. Alex at Alex Gutteridge Writes is a children’s writer, like myself. We have a lot in common but I’ll leave it to her to tell you more about herself because, Alex, your tag request is to write 7
interesting facts about you that we don’t already know.