Over the last few weeks I’ve received three awards. Thank you,
thank you. They’re from three lovely new blogger friends who I met through
Rachael’s Platform Building Campaign. They’re well worth a visit.
Catherine from Catherine Johnson, Writer
Diane from Writer and Dreamer at Work
Michele from A Wanderer in Paris
I love receiving awards but as ever I’m going to break the
rules. I’m now supposed to tell you things that you don’t know about me but I’ve
decided to turn it on its head. I want you to tell me something I don’t know
about me. You see, I had a dream...
...no really! The other night I dreamt that my diary was
filled in for years into the future. Page after page of my scribbled
handwriting told of events that hadn’t yet occurred, emotions that hadn’t yet
been felt. I tried hard not to look at the words. I didn’t want to know but I
couldn’t help myself. I started to turn the pages beyond today... and then I
woke up. It was such a relief but I can’t get it out of my mind. The dream
must have meant something only I can’t work out what. So, can you tell me something
about me that I don’t know... please?
And now for the passing on of the awards and again I’ve
broken the rules. I’ve created a brand new Friendly Blogger Award.
It’s for
those bloggers who chat to me, who take the time to comment on my blog. I love
having visitors and thank you all for reading my blog but those who comment have
gradually become friends. We know about each others’ lives, care about the bad
and celebrate the good. I’d like to give all of you the award but I’m delighted
to say that, at a rough count, I have are over 60 regular commenters... so how
to decide?
I've had to select names randomly from the comments list
of the last few posts. Many apologies to those who comment regularly and have
not been recognised this time but I’m going to make another Friendly Blogger
Award following my virtual Macmillan's World's Biggest Coffee Morning. It will take place here on my blog next weekend, 30th Sept to 2nd October, so come along, support a very worthwhile cause and have a fun time with all my competitions/virtual coffee and cake.
Finally my Friendly Blogger Award goes to:
Amy at The Green Bathtub

Christine at 'And so the story goes...'
Giggles and Guns at GigglesandGuns
Julie at Empty Nest Insider
Jemi at Just Jemi
Manzanita at Wanna Buy a Duck
Pauline at Scribbles
Rebecca at Rebecca Emin: Ramblings of a Rusty Writer
Robyn at Life by Chocolate
Talli at Talli Roland
Award rules: Send this award to about 10 people who regularly comment on your blog. A link back to my blog would be good...
...and don't forget to keeeeeep commenting! [as they almost say on my favourite TV programme, Strictly Come Dancing, which is back next weekend!! Can’t wait!!]