Today is Global Peace
Day and had I not been on Twitter yesterday I would never have known. The following is PeaceOne Day’s official aim for the day:
For Peace Day 2012, Peace One Day is calling for and working towards a Global Truce - a day of ceasefire and non-violence observed by all sectors of society globally ... POD hopes this will be the largest reduction in global violence in recorded history, both domestically and internationally.Peace One Day was the idea of the film-maker, Jeremy Gilley, and in 2001 the United Nations announced that an official day of global ceasefire and non-violence would be held annually on 21 September.
You only have to visit their website to see that they're doing a lot of good in troubled areas but I'm afraid that it won't bring us lasting world
peace... wouldn’t it be amazing if it could! I suspect that aggression is
hardwired into our behaviour long before we’re old enough to make decisions
about war. You only have to watch a group of kids playing in the playground to
appreciate how close we all are to arguments and fighting. As an ex-primary
school teacher I know how true this is.
I couldn’t possibly say how many times I’ve made young children
face each other after a fight and say,
The words tumble from their mouths but there’s no meaning in them.
The words tumble from their mouths but there’s no meaning in them.
This is a time of year when the Jewish High Holy Days are
approaching. It’s traditional to think back over the past year. Maybe you've wronged someone. Maybe you've said something hurtful to a family member or friend. Well now
is the time to tell them you’re sorry... with words that don’t just tumble from
your mouth!
If we could all do that all the time, then maybe there would be no war and
no need for a Peace One Day movement. In the meantime I salute Jeremy Gilley
and his work. Let’s hope that it can help towards making a difference.
Only 10 days until our virtual
Macmillan's World's Biggest Coffee Morning.
From Friday 30th September to Sunday 2nd October.
Come to this blog for cakes, drinks, fun and lots of awards to be won.
Don't forget, we’ll be asking for donations to Macmillan Cancer Support at JustGiving.
[This event has been registered with the Macmillan Cancer Support Charity
and every penny of your donation goes to the Macmillan charity. Thank you.]